Our Story

Terroir Wines is a fine wine retailer whose business grew out of a growing personal collection which started amassing quality wines from May 2012 and continues to do so to this day.
The majority of the stock was introduced into this collection from the various en-primeur campaigns as well as taking select parcels of quality wines once bottled and released to the market.

Our philosophy is to buy early or buy smart and then hold. This coupled with the fact that with each bottle consumed of a given wine & vintage, the stock naturally diminishes, it means we are able to offer some unique quality wines when we release them to the market at a later date.


We select our wines based on two attributes. The first is the location, or Terroir, of where the grapes grow. The second is the expertise of the wine maker who is concerned with the production of the wine from harvest to bottling.


We believe that a great wine is one where the fruit is of the highest possible quality when harvested and where the expertise of the wine maker has tailored the production process to produce the best wine possible for the vintage.


All our wines are held either in approved storage facilities or in temperature & humidity controlled industry standard environments.